This distinctive aspect in this slide was the pathway nature of the structures in this image. In my design the idea of ‘interdependence’ and making links between entities plays a major roll. Pathways provide links between the “fragmented countries” within the space I have built. A pathway is a symbol of travel, development, journey and advance. Jacques Cousteau’s quote speaks of the world inevitably becoming “interdependent” no matter the “national rivalries” or how “fragmented the world becomes”. In my space the various landings of Cousteau’s studio are separated, or more correctly according to the quote, linked and are interdependent. Cousteau is forced to use those links to make his way to the meeting place. Likewise there are similar pathways that link Nobel’s studio to the meeting place. However, Nobel’s studio is set in a hidden space behind “nature’s veil”. Nevertheless the idea of interdependence is upheld whereby the world is becoming interdependent not only on other nations, but nature and its truths. By using these pathways we are enabling ourselves to make links with each other, and nature allowing us to further ourselves.